30 octobre

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1821 -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky lives.

1838 -- US: A mob led by three Missouri State Militia captains attacks a colony of Mormons at Huan's Mill & kills or wounds just about all of them.

1904 -- France: George Navel lives. Self-educated author, anarchist. �Fighter with C.N.T. [Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo] during the Spanish Revolution of 1936. Lived for a time in a community of anarcho-naturists. Describes his life & odd jobs in such books as Travaux (Work, 1945), Sable et limon (Sand & Silt, 1952), etc. Died November 1, 1993.

1906 -- EG, anarchist feministUS: Scheduled to speak at a meeting to protest the Oct. 27 arrests of several anarchists for debating in the "Land of Free Speech" whether the assassin Leon Czolgosz was an anarchist,Emma Goldman is arrested for articles published in Mother Earth & for inciting to riot. Nine others also arrested. Goldman also devoted the October issue of Mother Earth to the commemoration of the fifth anniversary of Leon Czolgosz's death, despite the objection of many of her political associates. Released tomorrow on $1,000 bail, a NY City grand jury will dismiss the case on January 9.

1910 -- Spain: Así convocan para el 30,31 de octubre 1 y 2 de noviembre de 1910 a un congreso de Solidaridad Obrera ampliado al resto de sociedades obreras del estado español donde muchas al no poder asistir delegan sus acuerdos a compañeros de Catalunya. (Así no es extraño ver: por ejemplo Tomás Herreros Miquel tendrá varias delegaciones).

1910 -- Spain: El 19 de Noviembre de 1910 poco después del congreso será elegido para entrar a formar parte del�Consejo directivo de la CNT esta vez con el seudónimo de Timoteo Herrer (secretario Segundo) El�secretario general de éste comité sería Josep Negre.

1911 -- Italy: Augusto Masetti, a soldier in the Bologna barracks, shouting "Anarchy Lives!" as he floors the gas pedal, runs down Colonel Stroppa with a car as Stroppa exhorts his soldiers to depart for Libya. Stroppa is injured, & Masetti was committed to an asylum (to avoid trying him openly in court).

1916 -- US: IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) union members forced to run gauntlet by some of Everett, Washington's finest citizens.

1927 -- Spain: National Plenum of Regionals held in Madrid (-31st). Germinal de Sousa, a participant, along with other Portuguese delegates, was a member of the new Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI). The "F.A.I.", which included both Portuguese & Spanish anarchists, was founded at a congress in Valencia back in July, & quickly became a significant revolutionary organization & played an important role in the Spanish Revolution of 1936.

1938 -- EG, anarchist feministFrance: Emma Goldman arrives in Paris from Barcelona for the SIA congress, which meets at the same time as the IWMA; Emma joins delegates from Sweden, Spain, & France.

Hungary 1956, Red Army tanks pull out of Hungary, as demanded in an ultimatum by the workers' councils. It seems as if the people had won... But on November 4th the tanks return. The Russian "dictatorship of the proletariat" dare not allow the proletariat to dictate.

1967 -- Abbie Hoffman quote Sometime during this month, Abbie Hoffman arrested while attempting to measure the Pentagon. A nasty job, but someone has to do it. Anyone who had 4,100 pages in the FBI files couldn't be all bad. Abbie Hoffman, 1960s & 70s militant anarchist, was Co-Founder of the Youth International Party (YIP a.k.a. Yippies) & one of the "Chicago Seven." He was the subject of an FBI security investigation & intense surveillance due to his political activities & anarchist actions.

1988 -- Poland: 'Anarchist Interurban' network is founded.