1er novembre

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  • En 1530, naissance d'Etienne de La Boetie, à Sarlat. French advisor at the Parliament of Bordeaux. Pals with Montaigne who later glorifies their friendship ("Because of him, there is me."). His principal work Discours sur la servitude volontaire (The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude), was published after he died, by Montaigne, & is considered an early precursor of anarchism. Around 1833 Emerson wrote his poem, Étienne de la Boèce. Leo Tolstoy used extracts from the Discourse in three of his books. In 1907 Gustav Landauer made the Discourse central to his German anarchist work, Die Revolution.
  • En 1835, aux USA, First general strike for 10 hour working day, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • En 1836, aux USA, Seminole Indian resistance to forced removal from Florida begins. Led by Osceola, they begin attacks to protest/prevent removal. The unpopular war ended in August 1842, with the Indians force marched to Oklahoma. 1,500 U.S. soldiers lost their lives in the 8-year war.
  • En 1841, en France, Charles Ange Laisant lives, Basse-Indre (Loire-Atlantique). French Conseiller Général in Nantes, Député in Paris (18ème) who later became an anarchist under the influence of his son. Wrote educational texts for children, in mathematics, physics, etc, as well as radical (La barbarie moderne [1912]). Friend & correspondent with Francisco Ferrer.
  • En 1897, aux USA, Brotherhood of the Cooperative Commonwealth, called Equality Colony, founded (now Blanchard, Washington.). By 1900, 500 people had planted crops & built cabins, apartment houses, barns, & a sawmill at their new colony of Equality, Washington, north of Seattle & Everett, near the Skagit River.
  • En 1910, en espagne, à Barcelone, the Founding congress of the C.N.T. [Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo] begins. An anarchist trade union, it quickly became the largest & most important union in Spain, & plays the primary role in responding to the attempted takeover of the country by fascist military forces under Franco in 1936. Unfortunately the Revolution was undermined by the Republican government & the communists, degenerating into a Civli War, which Franco won.
  • En 1910, aux USA, At a public meeting in NY City, anarchists Dr. Ben Reitman & Emma Goldman question Anthony Comstock about his promotion of laws denying the use of mails for "obscene" materials (birth control information was classified "obscene").
  • En 1910, en suisse, à lausanne, ouverture par le pédiatre libertaire Jean WINTSCH et l'instituteur révoqué Emile DURAND de "l'Ecole Ferrer" école rationnaliste directement inspirée de "l'Escuela moderna" de Francisco Ferrer créée à Barcelone en 1901. La "Société de l'Ecole Ferrer", permettant dès son inauguration d'accueillir une trentaine d'élèves garçons et filles, sera soutenue par une quinzaine de syndicats ainsi que par des dons personnels (notamment de réfugiés russes). Elle aura le soutien de la presse libertaire et particulièrement du "Réveil". En 1911, Paul Robin léguera à l'école une grande partie du matériel pédagogique employé à Cempuis. Mais la guerre et les dissensions qui s'ensuivirent entre libertaires, après la publication du "Manifeste des 16" (favorables l'interventionnisme guerrier) sur lequel s'était aligné Jean Wintsch, provoquèrent son retrait de la vie militante et de fait la fermeture de "l'Ecole Ferrer" en avril 1919.
  • En 1919, aux USA, Violent raids of the homes of hundreds of "suspected radicals" take place in NY City.
  • En 1920, en Russie, Workers' control over factories is established.
  • En 1922, en Russie, Mollie Steimer & photographer Senya Fleshin arrested & imprisoned for propagating anarchism — that is, "aiding criminal elements"; released & deported in 1923 only after they begin a hunger strike.
  • En 1954, en Algerie, Revolt Against French colonial rule begins, a bloody 7½ year war which results in Algerian independence.